Overlapping Generation,

Initial Generation have all gone, (The 1914 Generation)
So the end has been moved back to a later generation
who’s lives overlap with the 1914 Generation.
It’s a “Get out of jail tactic” that’s not supported by the
Bible. It’s tied to those standing here, not some younger
Generation. Matt 16 : 28.
“Was Jesus using the word ‘generation’ in a symbolic way? No, we should not say that the word “generation” here has a symbolic meaning….The “generation” of Matthew 24:34 includes persons alive at the time that the war in heaven began in 1914….Members of that generation will see the end of this world”(Awake!, September 22, 1962, p.27).

“Why Awake is Published— u is for the enlightenment of the entire family… Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a j and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away” (Awake!October 22, 1995).f

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